Kirby Student Center offers contact tabling opportunities for non-University, external organizations and businesses that would like to engage with UMD students during the academic year. Tabling is a means for organizations to connect with students for commercial advertising, awareness or recruitment purposes. Tabling does not occur during academic breaks or during the summer.
Rentals for external guests are subject to availability. Kirby Student Center reserves the right to approve or deny any external rental request; may also limit frequency of reservations.
Non-University guests will follow the priority reservation process, abide by all guidelines, complete a Facility Use Agreement, provide a certificate of liability insurance and submit payment upon invoice.
Process and Guidelines
Reserving a Table:
- Fill out this Non-University Guests: Space Request Form to make a reservation and select table preference.
- Billing Cost:
- $150 per table
- One (1) table per day.
- An invoice will be generated at the first week of the following month.
- Credit card payment is accepted online. Please do not send payment until you have received the invoice.
- It is recommended that reservations are received 2-4 weeks in advance to allow ample time to complete paperwork
- Student organizations and UMD departments have priority reservation access. Non-university organizations may make Fall Semester reservations for the current year after September 5; Spring Semester reservations may be booked after January 15.
- A reservation confirmation will be shared within 3 business days.
- Review, sign and submit the Facility Use Agreement and provide a copy of your organization’s certificate of liability insurance which must meet these guidelines. If the Reserving Party does not have liability insurance, it can be purchased online (noted in insurance guidelines). Paperwork must be received 1 week prior to reservation.
- If the Reserving Party does not show up for their reservation or cancels the day of the reservation, the rental fee is forfeited.
- If a reservation is cancelled by the Reserving Party, the rental payment will apply to a new date within the current academic year, refunds will not be granted.
- If Kirby Student Center has to cancel the reservation, the Reserving Party has the choice to either reschedule within the academic year or receive a full refund.
Kirby Student Center provides:
- Tabling space in Kirby Commons
- A reservation from 9am-3pm
- One (1) 5-foot strip table and two (2) chairs; access to outlet
Reserving Party provides:
- 8.5 x11” (or larger) sign identifying the organization or business; signs must be contained within the booth space and not beyond it
- 1-2 people to staff booth during the reservation time frame
- Free promotional handout items (optional but encouraged; see guidelines below related to food/beverage handouts)
Tabling Guidelines for Non-University Guests:
- Table cannot be rearranged or moved
- Table must be staffed at all times
- Tabling personnel must stay behind the table at all times and should not verbally or physically impede traffic flow.
- Standing in the hallway to hand out flyers, literature, or solicit customers is not permitted.
- Reserving Party is responsible for all activity at their table
- A courteous and professional attitude is to be maintained at all times.
- Clean up the contents at the table by 3 p.m.; do not leave anything behind
- Non-permissible activities include: revenue generation (sales or fundraising); adult entertainment; gambling, raffles, or drawings; employment interviews; promotion of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products; outside food/beverage samples
- Food or non-alcoholic beverage handouts may be allowed but must comply with our Food Policy and be purchased through UMD Fresh Leaf Catering. There can be no bare hand contact with ready to eat food. Gloves are recommended. Outside food and beverage samples from businesses or individuals are not permitted although store bought, individually pre-packaged candy is allowed.
- Recruitment requests are vetted and not guaranteed; guidance from the Career Center is referred to in our review, specifically those related to multi-level marketing companies and private households
- External guests representing any political campaign or party affiliation must be sponsored by a Registered Student Organization. A member of the sponsoring organization must be present at the table at all times. Kirby Student Center does not facilitate the connection between student organizations and external parties.
- The Bulldog head, UMD logo and block “M” are all registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. For more information, contact the Trademark and Licensing Office.
- Music played or videos shown at the table must be kept at a respectable volume
- Kirby Student Center does not advertise for the Reserving Party. The Reserving Party may only use two public posting areas for flyers: Ven Den (Bohannon Hall) and outside of the Superior Dining Center. It is the responsibility of the Reserving Party to both post and date the flyer.
Additional resources:
Address comments, questions or concerns about this policy to:
Jodi Nelson, KSC Office Manager / [email protected] / 218.726.7169
Revised 7/31/23