Policy: Cleaning Expectations for Pick-Up Catering Orders Policy

Cleaning Expectations for Pick-Up Catering Orders

If you have a pick up order from UMD Fresh Leaf Catering, are bringing in food (with prior approval), or having a potluck for a closed group in Kirby Student Center, the following information applies to the group hosting the event.  The UMD Food Policy applies. 

  • Please be sure to add “food service” to your reservation in Mazevo
  • Please allow a minimum of 30 minutes for set up prior to the event and clean up after the event; large events will require more time and will be determined with Fresh Leaf Catering. Set up and clean up time must be included when you make your reservation in Mazevo.  All meeting rooms, except for Rafters and Ballroom, are often booked back-to-back.
  • At the end of your event:
    • Department or student organization is responsible for wiping down tables in meeting rooms (exception is the Ballroom or Rafters). Cleaning wipes are located in all meeting rooms.
    • Return all leftover food to the catering cart.  We do not recommend serving leftovers after the event, as we cannot anticipate or control how long leftover food has been or will be held at unsafe temperatures. The event organizer will assume full responsibility for any liability as a result from consuming leftover food after an event. Due to the concern for the health and well being of our campus community, we adhere to this policy strictly. By agreeing to your Fresh Leaf Catering proposal, you, the organizer accept this full responsibility and liability by accepting Fresh Leaf Catering’s proposal. Catering/ Dining Services will not provide any materials for taking leftover food. If you wish to do so, you must coordinate your end time accordingly. If catering staff has to wait for you to package up leftover food or come back later you will be charged accordingly.
    • Stack catering dishes and place back on catering cart (if you went through Fresh Leaf Catering)
    • Stack pizza boxes next to the garbage
    • Place compostables/recycling/trash in the appropriate bin (located in the hallway if not in the room you reserved)
    • If there has been any food spills onto the carpet/floor, contact x7163 Welcome Desk so that a custodian can attend to it
    • Return the catering cart with all items back to the Ballroom Kitchen on the third floor or the Main Production Kitchen on the first floor. 

Failure to follow these cleaning expectations will result in a cleaning fee assessed to UMD departments and Campus Life Programs (minimum of $50 but is dependent on the scope of cleaning required by our custodians) or reservation privileges being suspended for 2 weeks for Registered Student Organizations. Failure to return cart and/or all Fresh Leaf Catering equipment will result in an unreturned cart fee or missing equipment fees.

For more information, contact:

Gina Pudlick-Hendricks/218.726.7167/[email protected]

Lesa Radtke / 218.726.7166 / [email protected] 

Fresh Leaf Catering / 218.726.7177 / [email protected] 

Revised: 7/19/24