Organization Basics

Registered Student Organization (RSO)

A voluntary association comprised primarily of students that has no direct relationship to the University, but upon completion of the established registration process, is entitled to certain privileges including operating, meeting, advertising, and participating in activities on the UMD campus, as well as eligibility to receive services from Kirby Student Center. An RSO is independent and autonomous from the University and is responsible for managing its own affairs. It is not considered a unit of, nor an agent of, the University. Events and activities conducted solely by an RSO are not considered University-sponsored. 

RSOs are subject to all policies and procedures applicable to student organizations.

Campus Life Program (CLP)

Organizations registered as CLPs must be sponsored by a UMD department AND have a designated UMD faculty or staff advisor from the sponsoring department. Advisors and the organization as a whole must be approved annually via the dean or department head. CLPs are also subject to all policies and procedures applicable to student organizations, except where specifically noted. Registration as a CLP entitles an organization to certain privileges and services not available to RSOs (see table).

CLPs are obliged to consider and act in accordance with the best interests of the University in all aspects of operations and activities. The host department and advisor hold the responsibility to ensure the organization meets this obligation. All CLP operations and activities are subject to the oversight of the sponsoring department.

Campus Privilege

Campus Life Program

Registered Student Organization

Use of University of Minnesota Duluth name, wordmarks, logos, or other symbols


University standards and trademark requirements must be followed. For more information, see


RSOs may not use any University marks. See classification definitions for more information.

Use of University of Minnesota Duluth letterhead and stationery


CLPs may represent themselves as authorized to conduct official University business.


RSOs are not officially tied to the University. See classification definitions for more information.

Benefits and salary as employees of the University of Minnesota


Persons employed by CLPs are considered University employees and therefore eligible for benefits and compensation from UMN. CLPs must use University payroll systems and reporting structures.


RSOs may have employees, but responsibility for their pay and benefits does not rest with the University.

Coverage under University of Minnesota liability insurance policy


Members and employees are covered by University liability insurance.


RSOs must provide their own liability insurance if required.

Faculty/staff advisor


CLPs are required to have a department-approved faculty or staff advisor approved by the sponsoring department.


RSOs are not required to have a faculty or staff advisor, but it is highly encouraged.

Accept donations


CLPs may accept donations from external sources. The gifts must be processed through the UMD Advancement Office in order for the donor to receive tax documentation.


RSOs may accept donations, but they are not considered gifts to the University and therefore are not eligible for tax deduction.

Use of University of Minnesota tax-exempt status


CLPs are eligible for sales tax exemptions in the same manner as other University entities. More information HERE


RSOs may not use the University's tax exemption. However, RSOs are able to apply for their own non-profit status and related tax exemptions. There are tax-related ramifications to this; see 'Taxes' for more information.

Manage organization finances


CLPs must comply with all University policies and procedures and use the EFS financial system. CLPs may not maintain financial accounts, including savings or checking accounts, outside of the EFS system. CLP funds and financial operations are subject to review and oversight by the sponsoring department; CLP funds should be kept separate from other departmental funds. Both an officer of the CLP and the departmental financial advisor should approve all CLP-related transactions.


RSOs are encouraged to follow commonly accepted accounting practices designed to promote responsible financial management. The University does not provide supervision over, nor hold responsibility for, RSO finances. RSOs may hold their own external savings and/or checking accounts. They are not eligible to apply for a University purchasing card.

RSOs who receive Student Org Grant funding are required to have account with The Huntington Bank


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