KSC Policy: Donation Drive


Donation Drive Policy

Kirby Student Center supports student organizations and UMD departments that wish to hold a donation drive for a charitable cause.  Student organizations and UMD departments requesting to hold a drive and place a bin in Kirby Student Center need to complete a Donation Drive Request Form at least 48 hours in advance of the start date (requests are not reviewed on the weekend).  A request is not approved until the group receives a confirmation from Kirby Student Center.



  • Kirby allows for two drives to take place at once
  • Each drive must have a start and end date
  • One bin per group per drive
  • Bins must include a sign that indicates: name of student organization or department, name of charitable organization, items to be collected, and the start/end date
  • Bins will be placed near the Kirby Welcome Desk
  • Groups are responsible for checking the bin and emptying it regularly
  • Kirby Student Center is not responsible for items collected
  • Items cannot spill over onto the floor
  • Student organizations must include the donation drive in Bulldog Connect 
  • Groups are responsible for setting up and removing bin in accordance with their approved drive dates


Policy contacts:

Gina Pudlick-Hendricks, [email protected], 218.726.7167

Jodi Nelson, [email protected], 218.726.7169

Revised 11/08/2023